
January 2023 Board Agenda

Diamond R-IV                                                                  Board Meeting
                                                                                         01/11/2023 05:30 PM
                                                                                                  Central Office
Printed : 1/7/2023    10:24 AM CT                       401 S Main St
                                                                                              Diamond, MO 64840

                                                  NOTICE OF OPEN MEETING
                                                    SECTION 610.020
                                               REVISED STATUTES OF MISSOURI
                                               BOARD OF EDUCATION OF THE DIAMOND IR-IV SCHOOL


Notice is hereby given that an open public session of the Board of Education of the Diamond R-IV School will be held at the place, on the date and time set forth above.


Members of the public who wish to make a public comment regarding a specific item listed on the current month's agenda must request to address the Board before the meeting is called to order. Please submit your request to the Board Secretary including the agenda item to be addressed. Remarks concerning the agenda item will be limited to three minutes.


The tentative agenda for such open public sessions is attached. Representatives of the news media may obtain copies of this notice by contacting:
NAME: Dr. Keith White or Mr. David Smith
ADDRESS: PO Box 68 Diamond, MO 64840
PHONE: 417-325-5186


l. Board Workshop 5:30 PM
A. Hight Jackson/Branco/Allgeier Martin & Associates Construction project Update
ll. Call to Order 6:00 PM
Ill. Pledge of Allegiance  
IV. Wildcat Spotlight
V. Consent Agenda
A. Bill List
B. Financial Update
C. Minutes
D. Diamond R-IV Annual Report For The Municipal Securities Rulemaking Board
VI. Substitute List
VII. Mickes' O Toole General Bond Obligation Guidelines
Vlll. Action Items
A. Superintendents Salary
B. March Board Meeting
IX. Reports
A. Maintenance/Transportation
B. Technology
C. Curriculum
D, Special Services
E. Elementary School
E Middle School
G. High School
H. High School Activities
l. Dean of Students
J, Wildcat Cafe
X. Superintendent Report
XI. Public Comment
XII. Closed Session
A. RSMO 610.021 Real Estate (2)
B. RSMO 610.021 Personnel(3)
C. Superintendent Evaluation
D. Motion to Adjourn