SECTION 610.020
Notice is hereby given that an open public session of the Board of Education of the Diamond R-IV School will be held at the place, on the date and time set forth above.
Members of the public who wish to make a public comment regarding a specific item listed on the current month’s agenda must request to address the Board before the meeting is called to order. Please submit your request to the Board Secretary including the agenda item to be addressed. Remarks concerning the agenda item will be limited to three minutes.
The tentative agenda for such open public sessions is attached. Representatives of the news media may obtain copies of this notice by contacting:
NAME: Dr. Keith White or Mr. David Smith
ADDRESS: PO Box 68 Diamond, MO 64840
PHONE: 417-325-5186
Voting Members
Mrs. Barb Badley, President
Mrs. Kay Culbertson, Vice President
Mr. Tracy Danner, Treasurer
Mr. Craig Daniel, Member
Mr. Preston Wright, Member
Mr. Travis Ingle, Member
Non-Voting Members
Dr. Keith White, Superintendent
Mr. David Smith, Board Secretary
I. Board Workshop 5:30 PM
A. Hight Jackson/Allgeier Martin & Associates Construction project Update
II. Call to Order 6:00 PM
III. Pledge of Allegiance
IV. Wildcat Spotlight
V. Consent Agenda
Motion to approve the consent agenda as presented.
Motion made by: Mrs. Kay Culbertson
Motion seconded by: Mr. Travis Ingle
Unanimously Approved
A. Bill List
B. Financial Update
C. Minutes
D. Music Invoice Package
E. Diamond R-IV Bus Routes
VI. Substitute List
Motion to approve the substitute list as presented.
Motion made by: Mr. Tracy Danner
Motion seconded by: Mr. Craig Daniel
Mrs. Barb Badley - Yes
Mrs. Kay Culbertson - Yes
Mr. Tracy Danner - Abstain
Mr. Craig Daniel - Yes
Mr. Preston Wright - Yes
Mr. Travis Ingle - Abstain
VII. Action Items
A. Approve contract for Branco to be CM-R
Motion to approve the contract between BRANCO and the Diamond R-IV School for CM-R services for our Phase II projects.
Motion made by: Mr. Tracy Danner
Motion seconded by: Mr. Craig Daniel
Unanimously Approved
B. Approve contract for NAVITAS
Motion to approve the contract between NAVITAS and the Diamond R-IV School for a full energy audit and other future projects as needed.
Motion made by: Mr. Craig Daniel
Motion seconded by: Mrs. Kay Culbertson
Unanimously Approved
C. Approve 2022B Policy update
Motion to approve the 2022B Policy Updates.
Motion made by: Mr. Tracy Danner
Motion seconded by: Mrs. Kay Culbertson
Unanimously Approved
D. Imagine Learning Proposal
Motion to approve the contract between Imagine Learning and the Diamond R-IV School from January 1, 2023 - December 31, 2023 for $15,895.
Motion made by: Mr. Craig Daniel
Motion seconded by: Mr. Travis Ingle
Unanimously Approved
E. Early Notification Incentive
Motion to offer a one time $2,500.00 early notification incentive to retiring certified employees for the 2022-2023 school year to submit an irrevocable letter of resignation letter to the superintendent by January 5, 2023, at 3:30PM. This would be available for retiring teacher resignations already received prior to this date.
Motion made by: Mrs. Kay Culbertson
Motion seconded by: Mr. Tracy Danner
Unanimously Approved
F. 2021-2022 Basic Financial Statements Year Ended June 30, 2022
Motion to approve the Financial Statements for period ending June 30, 2022.
Motion made by: Mr. Tracy Danner
Motion seconded by: Mr. Travis Ingle
Unanimously Approved
G. Approve equipment to be listed as surplus and sold
Motion to approve Piranha and Baileigh Cold Cut Saws as surplus equipment to be sold by FFA.
Motion made by: Mr. Preston Wright
Motion seconded by: Mrs. Kay Culbertson
Unanimously Approved
Motion to approve updated CSIP, Pre-Planning Guide, and Response to Standards.
Motion made by: Mr. Craig Daniel
Motion seconded by: Mr. Travis Ingle
Unanimously Approved
I. MSBA Futures Builders Belcher Scholorship
Motion to Approve Campbell Frazier MSBA Futures Builders Belcher Scholarship candidate to
Represent Wildcat Nation.
Motion made by: Mrs. Kay Culbertson
Motion seconded by: Mr. Tracy Danner
Unanimously Approved
J. Go Bond Election Resolution (April 2023 Election)
Motion to approve the April 4, 2023, Election resolution calling a special election of a general
Obligation bond in the Diamond R-IV School District.
Motion made by: Mrs. Kay Culbertson
Motion seconded by: Mr. Tracy Danner
Unanimously Approved
VIII. Reports
A. Maintenance/Transportation
B. Technology
C. Curriculum
D. Special Services
E. Elementary School
F. Middle School
G. High School
H. High School Activities
I. Dean of Students
J. Wildcat Cafe
IX. Superintendent Report
A. Missouri Energy Audit Reimbursement Program EARP # 006
B. House Bill 253 Open Enrollment
X. Public Comment
XI. Closed Session
Motion to go into closed sesssion.
Motion made by: Mr. Travis Ingle
Motion seconded by: Mr. Craig Daniel
Unanimously Approved
A. Motion to Adjourn
Motion to Adjourn.
Motion made by: Mr. Preston Wright
Motion seconded by: Mr. Craig Daniel
Unanimously Approved